Look Not Far, Here Is Why…
5 Reasons Why You Are Still Where You are
No one wakes up in the morning and dreams of going bankrupt or having his house or business foreclosed for debts incurred and unpaid. No one wishes to be known as that dude who failed at everything he ever tried.
Every child desires to be the next Little Big Shot and every youth and adult alike yearns to be the next big thing.
Sadly, very few of these dreams become reality. Very little number makes it to the hall of fame every year and even fewer numbers get noticed by Forbes magazine.
The reason for the disparity between your dreams and reality is often blamed on so many factors. Factors which unfortunately should not have been blamed in the first place.
I wrote my first book eight years, but it only saw the light of publication this year. Before now, ask me why I had not published it and I will let loose a barrage of excuses as to why it was not yet in print.
Photo by llham Ramansyah
Likewise, we often find ourselves making excuses for our shortcomings, failures, and inability to reach our goals.
This is a very wrong approach.
The moment we cease from the habit or attitude of crediting our failures to factors as caused or initiated by others, then we can begin the true journey towards achieving our dreams.
I finally found out that the reason for my unproductiveness for seven solid years despite my toiling and struggles was because I had always pointed fingers at people and situations other than myself.
Digging deeper into this insight I found out the tiny guilty foxes that had been responsible for my rotten and fruitless vine.
Oftentimes, we get presented with free moments and we waste it in the guise that we need our rest or we need to catch up with friends and family.
These of course are very important, but we should also carefully and consciously carve out time for our personal growth and development.
For without these, our dreams will only remain that- dreams.
Have you ever consciously x-rayed your thoughts for the purpose of determining the percentage of positive thinking against the negative ones?
I tried this consciously for a couple of days and the result was shocking even to me.
Often times, we approach our goals with mindsets that stifle their growth, albeit unconscious, invariably successfully keeping us permanently on the waiting list of providence.
A little but continuous reprogramming of our mindset will clothe us with the garment of success all in due time.
I started this post by saying that it is the dream of everyone to be successful. Ironically, some people however don’t even have goals. Yet, they dream about success.
A constructive investment into your stated goal is the line between where you dream to be and where you actually are. It may take some time but get there you must.
It has been sung and has been danced- our company determines to a large extent not just who we are but what we become.
Yet, for some reasons ranging from sympathy or peer pressure we stick to some friends whom we regret hanging out with but hook with when next they call.
The truth however is that, if we are ever going to make the quantum leap into our desired goal, then it’s a given that some friends must go.
Amazingly, there are so many who desires to succeed but there are too few people who wish to pay the price.
The extent we are willing to go towards achieving our goals is what determines the level of productivity that is realized by our goals.
A critical analysis of these five factors in our individual lives is what will determine if we will remain where we presently are or if we would climb over to that place our heart yearns for.