If There Be A God…..

Chimnonso Onyekwelu
2 min readSep 15, 2018


Lend me your ears, and I’d tell you a tale
A tale of love, trust, and belief gone stale.
I grew up in a home called His name,
And so as a little boy, I learned to say Amen.
At age eight, I was confirmed and baptized.
By 10, I loved this man, whom my parents adored.

Then on that fateful blasted Saturday
I paid a visit to the priest on doomsday.
For there in his house, he did to my body
Things that made my mind go foggy.
Dragging my 12yr old self out of the cottage
I ran home to tell mother like a snitch.

But the sight that greeted my return
Made me forget momentarily my pained concern.
For there stood Mother and a few others
Bewailing the death of one- my father's.
How could God have allowed this?
Was he not the one who could do all things?

How could he watch hands folded
The miserable death of his servant so sold out
And abuse of a little boy not grown.
Yet, even the devil could save his own.
Drowning in pain, there came the thought for the first time
`What if He was all a lie?’

What if we were all mistaken?
What if there was no one in heaven?
They said He is mighty, caring, and lovely,
But look around, the maths don’t tally.
For mama’s sake, he will pretend still
That this God business was real.

For 2 decades, I told no one my secret:
That this God so revered, to me doth not exist.
For though I played church when necessary,
I however clung to my new belief albeit so uncustomary.
Until when on that cold Friday night
I got the news; mama was sick unto death.

And though I had not acknowledged him
These past years, to him did I run.
Giving him a last chance to prove himself,
I took my bible off the shelf,
Fasting and praying for mama’s life to spare,
But yet again he disappointed me.

So my bible I burnt
And my faith in the mud I dunked.
There ain’t no one up there, or even if there was,
He was as powerless as the buzz of a bee.
Nevertheless, there continued this voice to ask still,

Dedicated to all atheists or agnostics; GOD IS REAL. For though what we see and experience tend to contradict what we want and desire for ourselves, but the scripture is trite, `In this world, Ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Jesus did not promise us a world free from pain and trouble, but one promise is SURE; He is there with us through it all.



Chimnonso Onyekwelu
Chimnonso Onyekwelu

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