25 Lessons I Have Learned So Far

Birthday Reflections

Chimnonso Onyekwelu
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Hi guys, so on the 13th day of October 2018, another 365 days were rounded up and added to my blissful years on this God green earth.

The journey (yea, it’s a journey) has been insightful, to say the least, and the lessons most compelling.

Upon making a necessary detour to my retrospective cubicle, I found primarily, that it has always and will always be God’s mercies that have brought me this far. He has been meticulously faithful to the letter L and I owe him every thanks.

Photo by Jibson Photography

Amongst other findings were these life-long lessons I have learned thus far:

  1. Be patient, if Rome was not built in a day, then it will logically take you way more than one day to succeed.
  2. If wishes were a horse, beggars will indeed ride. Your future is bright, but it’s only a wish and a cliché until you consciously work towards making it so.
  3. Trying to be like another person, is like imitating a masterpiece, the least you can produce is a fake!
  4. Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
  5. Never leave your success to chance or providence, for providence is a myth devoid of empathy and a stranger to the word success.
  6. God works indeed in mysterious ways, never ever think you can predict Him (I’m smiling right now as I remember the lessons he taught me on this subject).
  7. Never say never, change has always and will always remain constant.
  8. Happiness is a choice! What you allowed to make you sad, frown, cry or moody today may be the very last thing on your mind tomorrow. So why give it that power?
  9. Nobody is perfect, including you! Learn to be tolerant.
  10. Never compare yourself to anybody, every man is uniquely different.
  11. Trade by barter is still in existence. It is the value of what you have to give that determines what people give to you in exchange.
  12. In the end, all that matters is what you do with what you are given. What are you doing with yours?
  13. Self-discovery is the best discovery. For without this, you will end up like the proverbial farmer who went out early in the morning to farm, only to realize by night-fall he had been farming on his neighbor's farm.
  14. Nothing beats the peace and contentment birthed by doing that for which you were created.
  15. Never burn the bridge that brought you this far, you may suddenly realize you forgot something and will need to go back.
  16. The worst prison on earth is the metallic cage encasing your mind.
  17. Think before you decide. Your reason for doing a thing is what makes all the difference.
  18. Every experience; good, bad, or ugly has a lesson embedded in it. Find it and learn.
  19. Never underestimate the power of time and chance. The person you look down on today may be your only hope tomorrow.
  20. Your mindset has a greater role to play than you think. Think positive!
  21. Learn to be grateful for the little things, they just have a mysterious way of bringing the big things towards you.
  22. Have a goal/destination, or else every street or stop sign will look alike to you.
  23. Love and forgiveness is a debt you owe every man, including yourself.
  24. Relax, it’s not always as bad think it is.
  25. God loves you and always will.



Chimnonso Onyekwelu
Chimnonso Onyekwelu

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